Learn about Home Security
If you own a home or just live in an apartment, you should know about home security and information about it. In this day and age, we can not take risk of whatever may happen so we need to know what we have to do to make our home and neighborhood much safer. I was reading this article and it really sheds a light about this important topic. I advise everyone to read it and browse through the site to see what they have to offer in terms of learning about it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 | | 0 Comments
What I Do All Day?
In the mornings I realize how quick the time flies and since I did most of the housework yesterday, I have plenty of time to do some work today, only I was not working, I was just on youtube watching the past seasons of survivor, I am such a loser I know!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Halloween Costumes
Yes I am already thinking about halloween and what I want to be for this year, I am a little early but that is the best part of getting a great costume, get it now, or start looking now, that is when they are cheaper. My famly and I love dressing up and we have so much fun doing it. I am looking at the Teen Costumes and they are wicked cool! Go with the popular and fun or the dark ones, whichever you choose, its a great deal here, get yours as soon as you can because thats what we do, I love Halloween.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 | | 0 Comments
About Miley
Okay so there is this big deal about Miley Cyrus and the Vanity fair pics. Whats the big deal? Some people say its okay and some say not appropriate for a tween. She is showing her back and blah. As long as she is not topless, I dont care, Heck I dont even buy or read vanity so I would not have known. I guess when the world is looking at your every move, you have to be careful.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Awesome Video, Very Funny
When I saw this video, I literally laughed until soda came out my nose, and thats funny! Its short and to the points of what can make a girl, really sexy. This explains so much and now I know what guys see when they start drinking. Watch it then show it to your friends.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 | | 0 Comments
What I had for Breakfast
Okay since it is kind of lunch time, I guess this can pass as brunch? Either way, this is going to be the reason why I am going to be calling myself fat in a few minutes, but look at it, its so yummy and has to be eaten, can not let it go to waste!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Discount Shopping and Coupons
My friends and family will all tell you the same exact thing..I love shopping online, and if I can find bargains and coupons for products that I like and need, I am on cloud nine! It is such a great feeling when you can find bargain prices and great deals all in one place, it really is a one stop shop for all needs. I am always in need of things for myself as well as my family. Since the summer is just around the corner, I am looking for some luggage so that we can travel. I am always in need of something, I love gadgets and all things electronic so getting bargains on that really helps! I also love shopping for household items and of course, clothes for myself. What gal does not like to shop for clothes? With all of this, it really make so much of a difference and I can say that http://www.1-coupons.com/ is the place to go before you shop. Search and look to see what deals can help you out and help you save by using the online coupons. Mother's day is coming up, I have to get something for the moms. Time to go see what bargains are waiting for me.
Monday, April 28, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Our Little Project
This was so fast and simple, I did this on a whim since my kids wanted spring to coe because its rainy all day, ugh. So to help spring come, we made this butterfly, how cute is this? I did most of the work though.
Monday, April 28, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Free Printable Chore Charts
I seriously love this site. Here is a site that allows you to print free chore charts and there are many templates to choose from. What I love is the good behavior and the messy charts! Its so cute and if you are looking for something that is not only free but cute and will get your kids to do their chores, chorecharts.com helps you with that. As a mom, I needed this!
Saturday, April 26, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Our Cookies Rock!
Or hard as a rock is more like it! We made brownies the other day which is pretty much fool proof when you have the box that the mix came from giving you the directions. Welllllll. we decided, please, we can do this ourselves, yup, we can totally bake stuff. Know why??? Because in the odl days, there were no cake mixes, mmm hmmm. Yeah, we can so do this. To make a long story short, cookies sucked, taste like sand and hard as a rock.....YEAH
Saturday, April 26, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Where to Buy Cheap Phone Cards
One of the things that I hate is spending tons of money on phone cards because many places and companies know that we need them and use them often so the hike the price. A buddy of mines who is always calling Africa on a regular basis says that there are times that she just only calls on speacial days and emergencies because it was costing her so much. So where do we get cheap phone cards that will always be within our budget and what we can afford? I found therichcom.com which really is the ultimate phone center for any country that you want to make calls to. You can check it out for yourself by visiting the site and feel free to let everyone know about it as well. I bet you they will thank you a million times over. I could not beleive all the different kinds of phone cards that they had, some that I new about and many that I was not aware of. I know many popular phone companies who like to charge us an arm and a leg just to use their services, not anymore! It is so easy to buy the cards on the site and the site is very easy to navigate, no confusion at all. Everything is there for you to read it, no hidden gimmicks. Now thats a place that I like, I bookmarked it, hope you do too!
Saturday, April 26, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Brownies so YUM!
I made so ultimate fudge brownies and I have to say that they were the best! I was craving something chocolaty and rich. Went out and bout the mix ( I cant make them from scratch why bother?) And I saw that GHIRARDELLI had cake mixes, so much different kinds, I was so elated!!!!! Yes! And I got home made some, the kids loved it I loved it. That should satisfy my choco cravings..I hope.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Plastic Surgery Center
I know a couple of my friends who have had thought about getting a tummy tick due to what their pregnancy has done to thier bodies. It can really make you feel insecure in so many ways. I did however suggest to them that I know of a los angeles tummy tuck center that does that and more. Its so great that there is a place where not only women but men can go to make improvements on their bodies. You can go to the site and really get to see what sort of procedures are done with all sort of surgery including Beverly Hills breast augmentation. It is very natural looking and they use both silicone and salin implants. Men can also get what is called Gynecomastia where they remove the excess skin in the chest area. I know some cases where had trouble breathing through their nose and had to go to a California rhinoplasty. What they do is no matter what may be wrong with your nose, they reshape the skin and the bone. Most patients have very little pain following the surgery as well because long-acting local anesthetic is administered as part of the procedure. You may have to do a follow up but that depends on the patient and how things go. There is just so much information and you really get to learn more from the site especially if you are curious as to what goes on. Some of the pictures may contain nudity because it is a medical site to show you what is done and a before and after picture so you can see the improvements, that is my favorite part of the site. The surgeons are very professional and they will have a consultation with each patient before anything is done.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Netwinner Sucks
I can officially say that now. I have not logged in a long time because of it. Netwinner is an awesome lottery game where you spin the wheel and win points to cashout for gift cards. the first that I ever got was a $50 TARGET GC, I love target so when I got it, I knew they were legit. But then, no more target or walmart gc, insted you were getting crappy stuff to places I dont even know existed. Then the plays were limited to only 100. Okay, I still hung in there, but there is only so much that I can take. Now your points enter you in a RAFFLE. Who the heck wants to wasta their day for a freaking raffle???? Needless to say, they officially suck.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Can you Make Money Online
Sure, everyone can, you just have to find a way to do it, legally, lol. Many people over the course of the years have looked for a quick way to make a buck, the most popular is sites that offer you click or read mails. These are pennies. Here in the states you can get a legit job working from home. Many others look at adsense as a way to make a steady income as well.
Monday, April 21, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Gas Prices going up Again!!
Wow, I just heard that gas prices are supposed to go up again! I cant beleive it! I use the car when I run my errands and sometimes it seems we are always filling up. Geez. Right now I think NJ has the cheepest and California is costly. Pretty soon I am going to have get a pair of heely's to travel and get things done!
Monday, April 21, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Time flies
Wow, last time I posted was a thurday? and its saturday already, geez. Well I am back from my errands, dur. I got sidetracked I guess. So much happens on the weekend that its easy to just get carried away. I hung out with my family most of the time and got alot of stuff done.
Saturday, April 19, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Easy Ways to Eat Healthy
I have been trying to eat healthy and I have to say that it can be really hard to stick to and do. If you are trying to control your weight or shed a few pounds, here are some great ways to do so.
Print out a menu and plan ahead your meals. Better yet, have them prepared so its easy to just heat and serve.I love snacks so what I do is make snack in a baggy so that I can grab and go. Trail mix, fruit or just a granola bar. Have those handy when you get those cravings. And the most imporatant things that you can do, is cook your own meals at home! Do not go out to eat, no take out and junk like that, those can hurt your body as well as pockets.
Thursday, April 17, 2008 | | 1 Comments
I got the Boost Mobile i425
Got 2 of these yesterday and I am mostly going to use it for the walky talky function. Its only a dollar day. I didnt think that I was going to like it but the fact that it is so small and fits in just about anything is a plus. I own various phones and depending on thier features, thats what I go for. My only complain is that it looks very frainy as in the images. But other than that, its a nice small phone and reception is awesome..so far.
Thursday, April 17, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Hey Mr Squirrel
We woke up this morning, looked out and there he was, I took out my camera and decided to take a picture of him, he didnt even run away. Spring is definitly in the air. The mornings are still cool so thats good. Something about mr squirrel which makes me think......I have to put a lid on the trash can outside.
Thursday, April 17, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Harold and Kumar
I can't wait to see the new one, I have to say that I love stupid humo and I know that this is one of them. I dunno, something about those guys just makes me laugh, and Neil Patrick Harris? Too funny! Its stupid and fun at the same time, is that even possible?? I think that everyone should watch movies like this, its good for your soul......
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | | 1 Comments
Kielbasa Schmielbasa
What is it about this smokes polish sausage that I love so much? I managed to make a whole week worth of meals using this delish goodnes, yummy! Fry it, bake it with some potatoes or any side of cards and you have a great meal, I think my family is sick of it and DH does not like the idea of eating sausages each night, but its soooo goood!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Getting Organized
I seriously need to get my craft room more organized, I did manage to put everything in order and labeled many. I used the file cabinet that was in my office to store my stuff

And this was easier to manage and I could just grab and go with this right here, I cleaned it up completely. Only time will tell if they will stay in neat order, knowing me.....who knows?!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Poem In a Pocket Day
Tomorrow is poem in a pocket day and I love it that my kids are so into it and they wrote poems and I have to say that they had some good stuff. I was talking to the teachers and other parents and you should see how proud these kids are about it. They wrote something all by themselves, its a great feeling to see that. The teachers were also impressed with some of the stuff written, can't wait until Thursday!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | | 0 Comments
When Anonymous Calls
I hate it when my cell phone rings and it comes up anonymous, what the heck? Ugh, what do I do? I found a great new way to do something about it. What if its someone you are trying to avoid? Like, um, mom? Or a friend, boss, whatever the case may be, here is you do. Disguise your voice and say "Buenos dias"? That usually works, if ots someone I want to avoid, success! If not, just say you were watching telemundo or something.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Do you squidoo?
When I first heard about squidoo, thought what a funny name. So much people were talking about it in a forum that I was in, that I decided to to join and see what the hoopla is about. You can write a lens about anything that you like. You can use it to promote and drive traffic to your sites or you can use it to get information out there for others to see. I use it to let people know about surveys that pay you for your opinion. Thats right, sign up and get emails with surveys or go to the site and take the survey, they pay you cash, check, amazon gift card and points to cash in for prizes. I love making money this way. I do the surveys while I am taking a break from work. So visit my squidoo and see what survey site you can sign up for.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Still Own VCR!!
Thats right folks, I am the rare breed that actually still owns one of these bad boys. Remember those? We used to watch movies with it and manually record shows, or setup a timer whatever, my point is...I still have mines. Now what am I planning to do with it you ask? I dont know, but I like to see peoples reaction when they walk in my home and see this thing that I still have, my kids dont even know how to work it, but the dvd player they can. But whu should I through it out? Maybe someday it will make a comeback????
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Lose 15 Pounds for the Summer!
This post will not contain an ad for diet pills or a lose weight quick scheme. This is for the moms who wants to lose that jiggle in the areas that is not supposed to jiggle, know what im saying? I am currently on a diet but I choose to be, I am still tiny but the way I have been eating lately, I am afraid that when the warm weather really gets here, I will have gained loads. Can't have that. So while surfing the web, I stumbled upon this article and from what I read, I think that it could work, this is what I did after I had my babies and I managed to get back my pre baby weight.
Monday, April 14, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Taking a Naruto Break
I love naruto and shipuudden is great, I watch it religiously. Not really feeling sai's clothes though, what is up with that? Anyway, so it was time for them to see sasuke for the first time since he left, bah blah, sasuke come back, blah......and then they talk crap, kabuto comes along and orichimaru and they go away, what the heck? They go back to konoha and time to try again, geez. I waited months to see that? That episode was also the way that shippudden started off so I was happy to see they finally caught up. I am so dissapointed, I just will not watch fillers until I hear something good.
Monday, April 14, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Twilight Princess
I still have not beat this game yet! Mainly because whenever I am about to play the wii, the kids want to play mario party 8. Dont get me wrong, the game rocks, but there is only so much I can take with that board game. And I always end up mad because my kids or dh gets more stars than me and win the game, I know I suck, I lose to kids, and not on purpose either! Love that Thrice candy, yummmm.
Monday, April 14, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Fun with Foil
Did you know that you can have tons of fun with aluminum foil? On a rainy day when you are stuck indoors, take out the foil and lets all have fun! Make animals, jewelry and my favorite, hats! be a king or a queen, there is really no limit to what you can do, let your imagination run wild.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Blogging Addict
I swear I am an addict, each time I get away form the pc, I am feeling withdrawl from my blogs, I have to post something. Is that normal? Who cares right?! Anyway, I spent most of the day reading other blogs and seeing what they had to say, nothing special, but its great to peek into others lives.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Online Friends Vs. Real Life
I have to say that I do enjoy making friends online and it is easy to join a forum and instantly make friends with people who enjoy the same interests. But it is also healthy to have a real social life. I was talking to a freinds and she says se never goes out. She would rather spend hours on her PC with her "real" friends who are online. Weird.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Sunday Mornings
Sunday morning are the best to me because it is real family time. We all help out with the house chores and then we go about our day. We usually play board games together, or the kids help me with my crafts while Dh is off working on something. I especially love sunday dinners, its so much fun and really makes you appreciate life.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Weather Just Changed
It just went from beautiful and sunny to very cold and cloudy, that is crazy! I was planning on stepping out for a few minutes to just enjoy the air while I had to go and pick up the kiddies. Oh well it was fun while it lasted, and besudes, a little rain will not hurt anyone.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
My Stuff is Here!
I love it when the mailman comes and I was so excited that I had to come and post! The mail came with my packages and craft stuff that I ordered. I got a great deal and I can not wait to start! Here are just some of the stuff:
I cant wait to get started and post them here, I do have more coming because I spent tons of money getting the stuff that I neede.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Home Alone
So I have the hosue to myself and it feels os weird. The kids are off at a playmates house and DH had to work, the house is quite for the first time in a long time. Usually when the kids are in school, I am working or running errands, sometimes both, but on a Saturday, we are all here. What shall I do?
Saturday, April 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Something really weird just happened to my blog, I uess I didi something to it, I was trying to tweak the template and I guess I messed something up, oh well. I am not a wiz or anything but gee wiz I almost freaked out, I thought I lost everthing. Gotta call my hubby now to help me out, he is more into this stuff than I am.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
I love blogs
And here is why, when I first started blogging, I never knew what was in store, but then I started making friends and shared each others lives through our blogs, and I am so glad, I have found some great mommy friends and we have fun by just having a mommy day with our kids. We get to learn more about each other and be in one anothers world, I love blogging and all my blogging buddies.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Oh no, I totally messed things up on this, geez, one mistake and boom, everything wiped out and you can not back space that, once its gone its gone, I learned my mistake though, oh well a fresh start:)
Friday, April 11, 2008 | | 0 Comments