Online for Hours

Every single time that I have something to say, I blog about it! I need to find something else to do, my friend just told me that I was online for hours, which is true but I always leave my pc on even if I am sleeping so its hard to actually know how long, but I know that it has been looong because it was light outside when I last checked, now its time to go to sleep!

I like Small Dogs

And only the small ones, they are so cute and you can carry them around in your bag, something like that. I hate the big ones, omg, they scare the crap out of me, especially the big ones and I have to say that I am getting creeped out here because I am sitting by the back porch and I can here the neighbors dog howling, not barking, just sounding like a wolf. C r e e p y!

Finally got a Printer

Many people have wondered is it cheaper to print your pictures at home or have someone else do it for you. Fact is that so many of us opt to do it ourselves and many stores that offer these services are few. If you can find a good deal on ink and such, I say why not.

What we do Online

We have sure come a long way when it comes to what we do online.. I find myself doing almost all of my shopping online. Clothes, items, and now even food you can have delvered fresh to your home. Are we getting to comfortable? No, why wait in lines at stores when you can be a priority at home?

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